Working with Build Logs

If you need to troubleshoot an issue with a build, you can download the log from the build log.

The build log is a JSON file that contains build objects. The build objects contain key:value pairs that describe the build process for each table.

As the reasons for build failures vary and may be quite complex, there is not a single solution for resolving build errors. If you are not able to solve the issue yourself, save your logs and provide them to Sisense Support for additional assistance.

The table below describes some of the keys that might be included in your log and their possible values.

Key Description


The date and time the table was built.


The type of information provided, such as Info, Warning, or Error. Info indicates that the build was performed. Warning indicates that something unexpected occurred, but the build was able to proceed. Error indicates that an error occurred and the build could not be continued.


The type of action being preformed by Sisense. There are a variety of actions that may be performed, some are relevant to the table, others to Sisense itself.


The title of the action being performed.


Identifier for the server where the build was performed.


The name of the server where the build was performed.


The name of the ElastiCube.


The place in the order of build operations.


This is a generic object that contains information about the build process. The keys in this object vary depending on the build stage.


The location of the ElastiCube on the server.