User Roles

Sisense licenses the following categories of roles:


  • Admin:

    • Can access the Admin page of Sisense from where they can manage all system configuration, data sources, ElastiCubes, users, user groups and more. Sisense supports multiple Administrators.
    • Can view and edit all Notebooks (even if not explicitly shared with them) and query the database that’s connected to the Notebook.


Sys.Admin is a special type of Administrator who installs Sisense on your system. There is only one Sys.Admin per account.
  • Data Admin:
    • Can manage all data sources in the system. They have access to the Admin page of the Sisense where they can only manage ElastiCubes and live connections. Data Administrators can also add and manage servers. This is useful for migrating Sisense across environments. Data Administrators do not have access to User Management and System Configuration.
    • Can view and edit all Notebooks (even if not explicitly shared with them) and query the database that’s connected to the Notebook.


  • Data Designer:

    • Can create and edit ElastiCubes they created or were shared with them. Data Designers can access the Admin page where they can manage the ElastiCubes and live Connections they have access to in the Data Sources page. In addition, Data Designers can see servers, but cannot add new servers. Data Designers do not have access to User Management and System Configuration.
    • Have the most customizability of all users so far for Notebooks access. They will have the ability to create their own notebooks and share them with others. They can only see Notebooks they own and that have been shared with them, Data Designers can be given edit access when someone elses notebooks has been shared with them
  • Designer:

    • Can create, design, edit and share dashboards. Sisense Designers determine whether the user with whom they share a dashboard has editing rights (is a Designer) or only viewing rights (Viewer).
    • Are View Only users in Notebooks. Someone else needs to share a notebook with them in order to view them in the Notebooks tab. They cannot edit or create notebooks at this time.


  • Viewer:

    • Can view, explore, drill down, make selections and filter the dashboards that Designers share with them. They cannot create new dashboards or edit existing ones.
    • Are View Only users in Notebooks. Someone else needs to share a notebook with them in order to view them in the Notebooks tab.
    • Note:

      This role can be customized through the Sisense REST API. For more information, see Using the REST API.

Basic User

  • Basic User:
    • Can access and use Infusion Apps with the Views that Designers share with them.
    • Can create Bookmarks if added to the correct user group by a Designer or Admin.
    • Cannot access the product using the web login. Login must be initiated from the Infusion Apps.

Administrator Roles Designer Roles Viewer Roles Basic User Roles
Admin Data Admin Data Designer Designer Viewer Basic User
System Management
Access Admin Page
Edit System Configuration
Configure SSO
User Management
Create/Delete Users
Create/Delete Groups
Add Active Directory Users
ElastiCube Management
Add/Delete Servers
View Servers
Add Live Connections
Create/Delete ElastiCubes
Edit ElastiCubes
Share ElastiCubes
Edit Servers
Create ElastiCube Sets
Delete ElastiCube Sets
Manage Hierarchies
Configure Data Access Rights
Stop/Restart Servers
Stop/Restart ElastiCubes
Set Up Data Security
Access Data Page
Dashboard Design
Create/Edit/Delete Dashboards
Copy Dashboard to Another Server
Restore Dashboards
Change Color Palettes
Create/Edit/Delete Widgets
Rename Widgets
Duplicate Widgets
Change Widget Type
Drill into Widget
Reorder Widgets
Create/Delete Dashboard Filters
Toggle Dashboard Filters On/Off
Create/Delete Widget Filters
Toggle Widget Filters On/Off
Export Dashboards to PDF, Img, CSV
Share Dashboards ✓*
Migrate Dashboards ✓*
Delete* Only owners and Admins can delete notebooks
Access Pulse
Create Data Alert
Create Build Alert
Delete Alerts *
Edit Scripts
Infusion Apps
Access Infusion Apps (external)
Access View Management

Create/Edit/Publish Views

Delete Views

Create/Edit/Delete Bookmarks
Create/Edit/Delete News Feeds
Write NLQ using Ask Me

*The user must be the owner of the dashboard, ElastiCube, or alert.
